We hope you’re all doing well and managing this crazy winter alright. It certainly has been a rough couple of months on the farm with all the snow and ice. The animals are cranky about this weather, and so are we. But…it’s the end of February so that means it’s seed starting season…which means that Spring is hopefully right around the corner!!! Yay!! Oh, and the sun is currently shining outside, even if we have several inches of snow on the ground still.
Finally playing in the dirt again
This week we’ve started onions, shallots, eggplants and Brussels sprouts. All of these plants require a lot of root setup, so the extra month is necessary. Gotta say, it was nice to get my hands dirty again!
CSA 2019 – going to be a good one!
We also sent out our first round of CSA emails to existing customers and recent inquiries. So that made us happy. We even had several responses immediately, which was even better!! Last year, we only had 8 subscribers to our CSA, since it was our first year and we didn’t want to oversell. But this year, we’re upping it to 12, and we’re super excited about it.
If you’d like information about this year’s CSA, feel free to email us at archiesacres@gmail.com. Or fill out the form below.