Good morning! And happy 2022! Wow, it’s been almost an entire year since we’ve added anything to our website! If only thinking about it actually counted. 2021 was a big year on our farm and we were very busy. Firstly, and most importantly, we added another family member! A human family member this time. Our daughter was born in July. She’s a healthy, happy little force to be reckoned with and it’s been a lot of fun being “too busy” with her to write on this website.

2021 also continued our Etsy store’s progression into becoming a successful online store. Our store has gone bonkers since Covid began in 2020 and has only continued to get busier and busier! I remember when we first started our store, we were surprised when we got a sale and now we’re surprised when we don’t have dozens of sales a day! It’s been so much fun! A lot of work, but so much fun. Also, personally, I love knowing 100% that the lotions/lip balms/bath salts etc that we use are completely organic…because I made them! We even added an organic “vapor rub” to our store that is super popular already. Because, I’m serious, we’re having so much fun with this! I have a whole list of new products that I want to release, but I haven’t had the time to take the pictures! That’s on my list for the next few weeks though.
Another change in 2021 is that the goats, Tilly and Moose got a new barn! They had been toughing it out in their open-ended half shelter for years! And for those years, we really wanted them to have a barn! But barns aren’t cheap so we had to wait until other projects were completed and thanks to Covid, we finally got them the barn of their dreams. We wanted to invest our Covid relief money back into our own community so we found a great father/son owned company that makes incredible barns and were so happy to give them our money. Their customer service was amazing and I’ll write a post allllll about this adventure and that great company as well.

Also, Hanna got a new job in 2021! It’s in the same industry but on the client side of pharmaceutical trials. I don’t like writing much about her career online or on social media because that’s her thing and she’s a pretty private person. But she loves her new job and seems very happy! Which makes us all very happy! Best of all, the company is on the West coast so her days start at 8:30am instead of 7am, so that’s a win-win!
2021 was a good year for our chickens, cats and dogs. Nothing catastrophic happened to any of them, so that’s all you can ask for out here in rural America. We found out this Fall during the re-roofing of our house that there are A LOT of bobcats in the area so we were very worried about all of our creatures. Our roofers saw a couple bobcats feasting on a deer near the end of our driveway which isn’t the norm. Bobcats mostly travel alone. We’ve had bobcat sightings here and there over the years, but never such a solid bobcat presence as we have this year. We’re not mad about it though, because bobcats are cool. Foxes are cool too! We love most of the native predators and appreciate them and are happy that they are still around as nature intended, except for raccoons. They may be cute but they are a nuisance and serial chicken killers.
Ok, the kids are up so I have to go. But more coming soon! Thanks for reading!