Sign-up Now For Our CSA!!


Hello friends and followers of Archie’s Acres! We hope all of our fellow Midwesterners enjoyed last week’s Spring weather as much as our farm critters did, because it has already hightailed it out of here. Yesterday and today we’ve had heavy, wet snow and 20-30 mph sustained winds that have been throwing buckets and garbage cans all over the place. Needless to say, nobody is happy about it.

We’ve been busy starting plants for the upcoming market/CSA season. There are grow lights Everywhere! And I already can’t wait for them all to move outside. However, I’ll check back in tomorrow to update you on everything we’ve been up to lately. Here’s a quick teaser though…..we’re picking up some baby chickens tomorrow!!!

So back to the point of today’s exciting news post…we’ve finalized our CSA plan for 2018! We will be doing a once or twice monthly arrangement at 2 pick-up locations, we will also be regulars at the Glenwood Sunday Market again this year, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, so for convenience, that will be our city pick-up location. Our second location will be in the Oak Brook/Downers Grove/Clarendon Hills area, since we’ve had great interest there. However, because we’re a small farm, just starting out, we only have room for 15 “families” to sign up for our once/twice monthly CSA. (Please scroll down on our blog to re-read our post on CSAs if you’d like a refresher)

Reserve your spot today! Fill out the form below and we’ll email you our CSA agreement, go over some specifics about your personal produce requests, and coordinate preferences. Ok, so that’s it for now! Our sign-up cutoff is April 6th or until all 15 spots are taken. Thanks for reading, hope you’re well and we’ll check in tomorrow with a better overall farm update, including a list of the produce we’re growing! It’s a lonnnnnng list.  Oh, and we’ll include baby chicken pics!!


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