She’s a small bearded lady!
Von Cheep Cheep a small Easter Egger hen packed with attitude. We named her Von Cheep Cheep because she had an almost cartoonish mischievous little face when she was a baby. We also knew that she was plotting to take over the world.

I mean, just look at that face!! She should be wearing a tiny little lab coat while she paces back and forth brainstorming in her tiny evil lair. She looked like this for her first 2 months.
And now she’s a full-fledged bearded lady!
Clearly, she now looks far less serious. And the chickens were smart enough to assign her to be one of the top chicken-to-human reps in the coop, she’s one of the first chickens to run out with demands. She will also fly up and sit on your shoulder if you’re taking too long feeding the chickens in the morning.

And best of all…
…she’s a blue egg layer!!
She started laying last week, just a few weeks shy of turning 6 months old. (Birthday was Feb 28) She lays the brightest blue eggs. Small eggs from a small bearded chicken.