The weather outside certainly is frightful!
We are in the midst of a very deep freeze here at Archie’s Acres, as is most of the country. For us, that means the highest temperature for the last 2 weeks has been a whopping 13 degrees with several days of sub-zero temps for highs. Plus, out here in the country, we get the benefit of unobstructed winds whipping across the corn fields. So keeping all the farm animals safe and happy is definitely more of a challenge lately. Especially the chickens, they are a constant worry for us.
Cold Chickens!
The chickens have been a big source of stress since the cold came. Our breeds are quite cold weather tolerant, but even with that, these temps are really crazy. We have had about 3 inches of snow on the ground since mid December and the sight of snow really weirds out most of the chickens, so only 4 of our chickens have ventured out of the coop since then. We get it, they can’t see anything to pick at, their non-white bodies in contrast with the snow makes them feel like a hawk or bald eagle target, yadda yadda yadda. Totally understandable.

However, since this horrible cold front came in, not a single bird leaves the coop. Which means there are 60+ crabby birds hanging out in a 25′ x 40′ coop all day. And since they aren’t able to free-range, they are going through food as fast as we can bring it. I’ll make them oatmeal and omelettes and give them old soups or meat scraps to warm them up every day. Yep, they love meat, they are related to dinosaurs after all. We froze tomato, cucumber, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe cubes from the end of the summer just for occasions like this, so they get a variety of nutrients all winter long. And this cold snap makes us extra happy that we did all that winter prep work.

Water, water, water
One of the main ways to keep the chickens healthy is by making sure they have lots of water. Lots and lots of fresh non-frozen (obviously) water. It may seem strange but it’s the same for humans – the air is incredibly dry and just breathing causes more water loss than normal. On an average day, these chickens drink a ton of water and it’s even worse now. We have special waterers that have heated bases; however, even they are having trouble keeping up with the cold. So, several times a day, we end up trekking out to the coop to bring fresh water and do a wellness check. So far, we have only lost one chicken in all of this. Little Chipmunk. RIP.
Another issue is food. Again, this is the same for humans in this weather. We burn more calories to maintain our body temperature in extreme weather and so do chickens. Normally, we feed cracked corn very sparingly to our chickens, preferring more protein rich food. However, corn provides lots of carbohydrates with are a good source of quickly converted energy. We have been providing food several times throughout the day and make sure they get a good dose of corn before bed. We also give them popcorn and old cereal. They loooooooove popcorn and Cheerios!

The coop itself
We do not have an insulated coop, which is pretty typical. And we won’t ever because in the summer, that insulation would turn the coop into an oven. Extreme heat is more deadly than extreme cold. Also, insulation would make ventilating the coop more difficult, and coop ventilation is very important for chicken health because all the moisture from their breathing and droppings needs to leave the coop fairly quickly. In cold weather, very moist air would collect on them if there was insufficient ventilation which would lead to their feathers being inefficient insulators. It also leaves them susceptible to frostbite. The combs and toes can be particularly tricky, especially with the roosters. A couple of our roosters have fairly large combs so we have slathered some petroleum jelly on them to help protect from the cold. So with all of that in mind, our only supplement in the coop is to put a foot deep layer of leaves, pine shavings and corn husks on the floor of the coop. Over time, this layer will breakdown and release heat through decomposing, plus it gives the chickens something to scratch through and the layer provides a bit of insulation from the cold concrete below. We have also added extra pine shavings to their nesting boxes and to the shelves where the girls prefer to sleep.
All in all, everyone is doing ok. They are certainly not happy. But they are loving all the extra treats we’ve been giving them, so morale is pretty high. Rumor has it that it’s going to be 30 this Sunday! We can’t wait! I may even wear short sleeves!