Happy Snow Day!

Hello from snow drifty Pearl City! It’s been a while since we’ve last checked in. So let’s see, since I last wrote on Jan 15, we took a week long vacation to Mexico to celebrate our anniversary, took 4 cats to the vet for a mini-cold/flu outbreak, started seeds for early spring planting and added a few new products to our Etsy store! Most importantly, we’ve been busy enjoying the last weeks of a life with not THAT much to do.
Vacation sights!

We got a sizable snowfall last night, so the chickens are miserable, the dogs are happy, the humans have sore backs and the goats/sheep are busy making little walkways around the pasture, which is very cute. Archie, per usual, is the happiest dog ever!

Snow Floof!

He’s been running laps around the property all morning. And if we didn’t have 2+ foot high snow drifts all over the place, I’d run around more with him!

Our Etsy store is doing pretty well. We added a hops candle, some organic paw          wax and a couple new bath salts.

Hops-Infused Candles!
Click here to visit our paw wax Etsy listing.

Yesterday, I toyed around with making our own lotion bars, which worked out really well. I used a teakwood scent and they not only work well, but they smell great! Now I just have to find a better mold than the ice cube tray I made them in. Ha. Lotion bars are pretty cool little things though. They’re basically a bar of lotion. And the Shea butter dissolved quickly into the skin and isn’t messy. How am I just hearing about these?! We’ll list them soon. Because you’re going to want to try these out.

The seeds we started are all plants that need some extra TLC in pots indoors for a few months, like grapes, pear and apple trees, small pepper plants that we plan to keep exclusively in pots on our porch all summer, and onions, which will need several weeks to grow before transplanting in the garden. We have basically converted our laundry room into a germination room. It’s a teeny tiny jungle in there! But so far so good!

All in all, no complaints here. We plan to finalize our CSA sign-up by March 1st, so expect to receive more materials soon.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram! —-> Archie’s Acres on Instagram

And check out our Etsy store. Click here —>  Archie’s Acres Etsy Store!

We hope you’re all having a great day!!!

Exciting News!!

Archie’s Acres is on Etsy!

We’re super excited to announce that Archie’s Acres LLC has finally opened a store on the online craft market, Etsy! (The link to our store is shared at the end of this post)

As our last blog post mentioned, the process for selling canned salsa, giardineria, bourbon pears etc online will take a bit, but in the meantime we have a variety of bath/shower products, dried herbs, honey and crafts for sale! You know, in case you’re looking for Christmas gifts…

bath, salts, lavender, rose, oatmeal
Our Oatmeal, Milk, Lavender, Rose Bath Salts
sinus, relief, shower
Our Sinus Relief Shower Melts.

We will be adding new products regularly. We have 3 new products waiting in the wings as I type this that will be added this week! (They just need to be tested (by us) then proven to be excellent (also, by us).

CLICK HERE! To visit our Etsy store!

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!  CLICK HERE!

Thanks for following our adventures!


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