We’ll have all of our Etsy best sellers in tow, and then some! As you may (or may not) know, we make everything with only organic ingredients, beeswax from our beehives, or from our neighbors’ beehives, and all flowers/fruits/herb ingredients come from our farm or a neighbor’s. We love making these products by hand, in the healthiest ways possible.
Just a quick rambling list of products we’ll have with us this weekend include; lotion bars, heel balms, cuticle creams, menthol chest rub, paw wax, lip balms…as well as, slate coasters, engraved holiday cutting boards (they’re so cute!), wood laser-cut Christmas ornaments, Galena cork coasters, cedar garden herb markers, wood tabletop holiday decorations, festive wood wine boxes….and so much more.
We’ll be sure to keep you posted on Instagram instagram.com/archiesacres and instagram.com/archiesacresshop throughout the day too.
Also, while I have you here….we’re working on getting our store setup on this site so we can shift away from Etsy a bit. It’s been quite the process since neither of us really knows what we’re doing, but we’re working hard at it. We plan to be able to sell our products on this site in the next few weeks!
Currently, our store is archiesacres.etsy.com
Ok, that’s it for now. We hope to see you locals this weekend!
Thanks for reading! 🙂