So much deliciousness, so little time
It is harvest time here at Archie’s Acres since our pears and apples are all ready this week. And like most plants on this farm, when they’re ready we have to be ready to pick them. This farm is filled with hungry opportunists looking for a quick meal. And our orchard is DELICIOUS!!
This orchard came with the farm so we’re not entirely sure what kind of pears and apples we have. Our guess, based on their soft, sweetness is that they are Bartlett pears. Since they all went ripe on Saturday we’ve been frantically trying to eat, use or preserve them.
We made a cider.
And Pear Apple Sauce!
And the chickens get the mushy ones!
It’s a win win win!
We’ve identified 2 varieties of trees in our orchard as Golden Delicious and Jonathan apples. The Golden Delicious apples are great for snacking. While the Jonathan apples are perfect for pies since they’re quite tart. We have 2 other varieties of apples that we’re still not 100% sure about. We’re using them for apple sauce, pies and the pear apple hard cider that we made yesterday!!

This is our first go at hard cider and we can’t wait to try it!! If it works, we’ll be sure to share the recipe with everyone.
We’ll be at the Rockford City Market today. Please note the hours have changed and the market closes at 7:30 now; it’s too dark for it to stay open until 8:30.
Also, if you’re interested in participating in our CSA next year (farm fresh goodies delivered 1 or 2x/month), please complete the short form on our Shop page so we can tailor next year’s seed order.